
Elementor #11825

The technical side of Azoterra and Luxaterra louvre roofs: how do they really work?

Louvre roofs, particularly those designed by Azoterra and Luxaterra, are becoming increasingly popular in the construction industry due to their unique and visually appealing aesthetics. But beyond their captivating appearance, these roof systems have a complex and elaborate technical side that often remains unknown to the general public.

How do these roofs really work? What underlying mechanisms enable their remarkable structural stability and burden-sharing?

In this discussion, we will look at the technical aspects of louvre roofs and uncover the secrets behind their design, installation process and overall functionality. By exploring the inner workings of these architectural masterpieces, we aim to shed light on the engineering genius behind their stunning facades.

Lamellendächer offen
Lamellendächer halboffen

Louvre roof systems: An overview

Louvre roof systems offer a structured and efficient solution for covering large areas and provide a comprehensive overview of their design, installation and benefits. These systems consist of lightweight, prefabricated components arranged in a series of parallel layers to form a series of triangular or trapezoidal shapes. The individual slats or blades are usually made of steel or wood and are designed to be self-supporting.

The design of louvered roof systems enables efficient load distribution, as the weight of the roof is evenly distributed over the individual blades. This structural arrangement results in a high degree of strength and stability, which makes it possible to build large, open spaces without additional supporting structures. In addition, the triangular or trapezoidal shape of the slats ensures natural drainage and eliminates the need for complex drainage systems.

The installation of louvre roof systems is relatively straightforward, as the prefabricated components can be quickly and easily assembled on site. This reduces construction time and costs and makes louvre roofs a cost-effective option for covering large areas.

The advantages of louvre roof systems go beyond their structural and installation-related benefits. The design allows sufficient natural light to pass through, reducing the need for artificial lighting during the day. In addition, the open design of these roofs promotes natural ventilation, which improves the comfort and well-being of the residents.

Structural design and components

The structural design and components of louvered roof systems play a decisive role in efficient load distribution and overall stability. Louvred roofs consist of a frame of interconnected beams, known as louvres, which form a grid-like structure. These slats are usually made of high-strength materials such as steel or wood, which are selected for their ability to withstand the forces exerted on the roof.

The design of the slats is carefully calculated to achieve optimum load distribution. The dimensions and spacing of the beams are determined based on factors such as the roof span, the expected loads and the desired aesthetic appearance. By distributing the loads evenly across the structure, louvre roofs can carry heavy loads such as snow or wind without compromising their stability.

In addition to the slats, louvre roof systems also include other components that contribute to structural integrity. These can include connecting elements such as bolts or weld seams that join the slats together, as well as support elements such as columns or trusses that provide additional stability. The connections between the slats and other components are carefully designed to ensure proper load transfer and avoid weak points in the structure.

 Load distribution and stability

Efficient load distribution and overall stability are decisive factors for the successful operation of slatted roof systems. Louvered roofs are designed to handle various types of loads, including dead weight loads such as the weight of the roof structure itself, as well as live loads such as snow, wind and loads from equipment. Load distribution in slatted roofs is achieved by arranging several individual slats that work together to distribute the loads evenly over the entire roof structure.

The stability of slatted roof systems is guaranteed by careful planning and construction. The individual slats are strategically placed and joined together to create a rigid and stable structure. The geometry and alignment of the slats play a decisive role in improving the stability of the roof system. The inclined alignment of the slats helps to distribute the loads and forces more efficiently and minimize the risk of structural failure.

In addition, the connection points between the slats and other components are designed to provide sufficient strength and stability. These connection points are carefully analyzed to ensure that they can withstand the loads and forces exerted on the roof system.

 Assembly process and installation methods

During the installation process of louvre roof systems, precise installation procedures are used to ensure structural integrity and optimum performance. The installation process begins with careful preparation of the construction site, including leveling and correct alignment of the supporting structure. This ensures that the slatted panels can be installed accurately and safely.

The installation of the slatted panels requires careful attention to detail. Each panel is carefully positioned and connected to the supporting structure using special fasteners and joints. These fasteners are designed to provide a strong and secure connection while allowing for expansion and contraction of the louvre panels due to temperature changes.

Once the panels are in place, the next step is correct alignment and spacing. This is crucial for an aesthetically pleasing and functional louvre roof. Precise measurements are taken to ensure that the panels are evenly spaced and aligned to maintain the desired aesthetic appeal and ensure efficient rainwater drainage.

In addition, the installation of slatted roofs often requires the use of special equipment and tools. This includes cranes or elevators to safely handle and position the slatted panels, as well as precise measuring instruments to ensure accurate placement and alignment.

 Performance and durability factors

To ensure the long-term performance and durability of slatted roof systems, several key factors must be considered and carefully implemented during the assembly and installation process. These factors include the selection of high-quality materials, appropriate design and construction and a careful installation method.

One of the main factors contributing to the performance and durability of louvre roofs is the choice of materials. It is important to use materials that are resistant to weathering, corrosion and UV radiation. For example, using high-quality aluminum or stainless steel for the slat blades can prevent rusting and deterioration over time. In addition, selecting a sturdy and durable frame, such as galvanized steel or aluminum extrusions, can improve the overall structural integrity of the system.

Appropriate design and construction play an important role in the long-term performance of slatted roofs. The design should take into account factors such as wind loads, snow loads and thermal expansion and contraction. By precisely calculating these loads and incorporating them into the design, the system can withstand external forces and maintain its structural integrity.

Accurate execution is crucial during the installation process. Each blade should be installed securely, with correct alignment and spacing to ensure optimum performance. The connections between the lamella blades and the supporting structure should be carefully designed to avoid weak points or potential failure points.

Regular inspections and maintenance work are also important for the performance and durability of louvre roofs. Routine inspections can identify signs of wear, damage or potential problems so that repairs or replacements can be carried out in good time. In addition, keeping the system clean of dirt and regularly lubricating moving parts can prevent premature wear.

Advantages and applications of louvre roofs

Louvre roofs offer numerous advantages and have a variety of applications in different industries and architectural designs.

One of the main advantages of louvre roofs is their ability to provide a lightweight but structurally strong roofing solution. By using lightweight materials such as steel or aluminum in combination with the unique design of the slats, the overall weight of the roof can be reduced while maintaining its strength and durability.

Another advantage of louvre roofs is their design flexibility. The individual slats can be adjusted in terms of their size, angle and spacing, allowing a high degree of architectural freedom. This design flexibility makes it possible to integrate louvre roofs into different architectural styles, from modern and contemporary to traditional and historic.

Louvred roofs also offer excellent natural ventilation and daylight options. The open spaces between the slats allow air to pass through and promote airflow, reducing the need for mechanical ventilation systems. In addition, the sloped louvres can be designed to optimize the entry of natural light into the building, reducing the need for artificial lighting during the day and improving energy efficiency.

In terms of applications, louvre roofs are often used in stadiums, exhibition halls and large public spaces where wide spans and open spaces are required. They can also be found in industrial buildings, warehouses and agricultural buildings, where their lightweight and durable nature is ideal for covering large areas. In addition, louvre roofs are increasingly being used in residential and commercial buildings to create unique and visually appealing architectural designs.


In summary, louvre roofs such as Azoterra and Luxaterra are an innovative roof system that offers numerous advantages in terms of design flexibility, load distribution and durability.

Through a carefully designed structure and assembly process, these roofs provide stability and performance in various applications.

Their unique components and installation methods contribute to their effectiveness and long-term functionality.

Overall, louvre roofs are a promising solution for efficient and sustainable roof systems in the construction industry.

Protection for the terrace: patio roof, slatted roof or pergola awning?

Terrassenüberdachung: Entscheidungshilfe für die perfekte Wahl

Wer seine Terrasse oder seinen Balkon optimal nutzen möchte, braucht einen wirksamen Sonnen- und Wetterschutz. Doch welches Schutzdach ist die beste Wahl? Terrassendach, Lamellendach oder Pergola-Markise – jede Option hat ihre Vor- und Nachteile. In diesem Blogartikel stellen wir Ihnen die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten vor, vergleichen sie und geben Ihnen Tipps, worauf Sie bei der Auswahl achten sollten. Lesen Sie weiter und finden Sie das passende Schutzdach für Ihre Terrasse!

louvered roof


Elektrisch inkl. Vollausstattung
ab 6376,- € inkl. 19% Mwst.
  • Made in Germany - Direkt ab Werk
  • Schnelle Lieferzeiten
  • Versandkostenfrei innerhalb DE
Terrassendach, Lamellendach oder Pergolamarkise ?


Terrassendach inkl. integrierter Pergolamarkise
ab 3128 € inkl. 19% Mwst
  • Ideal für große Terrassen
  • Bis zu 600cm Breite & 500cm Ausfall
  • Auch als Regenschutz nutzbar
Free-standing pergola awning in white

Terrassendach VSG Glas oder Stegplatten

Terrassendächer auf Maß angefertigt
ab 2177 € inkl. 19% Mwst
  • Verschiedene Varianten zur Auswahl
  • Made in Germany - Direkt ab Werk
  • Maßanfertigung

Eine Terrassenüberdachung kann auf verschiedene Arten gestaltet werden. Hier sind die drei gängigsten Optionen:

  1. Terrassendach: Ein Terrassendach ist eine feste Konstruktion, die an der Fassade des Hauses angebracht wird. Es kann aus verschiedenen Materialien wie Holz, Aluminium oder Kunststoff gefertigt werden. Terrassendächer bieten einen zuverlässigen Schutz vor Sonne und Regen und schaffen zusätzlichen Wohnraum im Freien.

  2. Lamellendach: Ein Lamellendach ist eine flexible Überdachung, die aus mehreren verstellbaren Lamellen besteht. Diese können je nach Bedarf geöffnet oder geschlossen werden, um den Lichteinfall und den Schutz vor Sonne und Regen zu regulieren. Lamellendächer werden oft aus Aluminium hergestellt und sind in verschiedenen Farben und Größen erhältlich.

  3. Pergola-Markise: Eine Pergola-Markise besteht aus einem Gestell aus Aluminium oder Stahl und einer flexiblen Markise, die auf Knopfdruck ausgefahren werden kann. Sie bietet sowohl Schutz vor Sonne als auch vor Regen und ist in vielen Farben und Designs erhältlich. Eine Pergola-Markise kann auch mit integrierter Beleuchtung und Heizung ausgestattet werden und verleiht der Terrasse eine gemütliche Atmosphäre.

Jede dieser Optionen hat ihre Vor- und Nachteile und ist für unterschiedliche Anforderungen und Wünsche geeignet. Es lohnt sich daher, alle Optionen sorgfältig abzuwägen und zu prüfen, welche Lösung am besten zu den individuellen Bedürfnissen passt.



Terrassendach Görres
Terrassendach Görres


  • Dauerhaft und stabil
  • Bietet optimalen Schutz vor Sonne und Regen
  • Kann mit verschiedenen Materialien und Designs individuell gestaltet werden
  • Kann problemlos an das Haus angebaut werden


  • Relativ kostenintensiv
  • Die Konstruktion kann viel Platz in Anspruch nehmen
  • In manchen Fällen ist eine Baugenehmigung erforderlich







  • Verstellbare Lamellen ermöglichen eine individuelle Regulierung von Licht und Schatten
  • Kann auch bei schlechtem Wetter genutzt werden
  • Ist in verschiedenen Größen und Farben erhältlich
  • Kann flexibel und unabhängig von der Hausfassade montiert werden


  • Relativ teuer in der Anschaffung
  • Benötigt regelmäßige Wartung und Reinigung
  • Lamellen können bei starkem Wind oder Schnee beschädigt werden





Pergola-Markise: Terrassendach, Lamellendach oder Pergolamarkise ?


  • Bietet flexiblen Schutz vor Sonne und Regen
  • Einfache und schnelle Bedienung per Knopfdruck
  • Kann in verschiedenen Farben und Designs gewählt werden
  • Verleiht der Terrasse eine gemütliche Atmosphäre


  • Eher für kleinere Terrassen geeignet
  • Nicht so stabil wie andere Optionen
  • Markisenstoff muss regelmäßig gereinigt und gepflegt werden

Es ist wichtig, die Vor- und Nachteile jeder Option zu berücksichtigen und zu entscheiden, welche Option den individuellen Bedürfnissen am besten entspricht. Faktoren wie Standort, Größe der Terrasse, Budget und persönlicher Geschmack sollten dabei ebenfalls berücksichtigt werden.

Louvered roof vs. awning: which is better?

The advantages and disadvantages of louvered roofs and awnings compared

Here you get an overview:

Lamella roof vs. awning

When planning a terrace roof, the question often arises whether to choose a slat roof or an awning. Both products provide protection from the sun and rain, but there are differences in functionality, design and price. In this article, we will compare the advantages and disadvantages of slat roofs and awnings, so you can make the right choice for your needs.

Louvered roofs are roofings that consist of movable louvers that can be opened or closed as needed. They can be made of different materials such as aluminum or wood and are often equipped with integrated lighting. Awnings, on the other hand, consist of a fabric cloth that is stretched over a frame and can be extended and retracted manually or motorized.

Lamella roof vs. awning

Advantages of lamella roofs:

  • Flexibility: Louvered roofs can be opened or closed as needed to regulate light penetration and ventilation. They provide protection from the sun and rain, but also let fresh air through when they are partially open.
  • Design: slat roofs have a modern and elegant look and are available in various colors and materials. The integrated lighting creates a pleasant atmosphere in the evening.
  • Durability: slat roofs are sturdy and durable and can last for many years with proper maintenance.

Disadvantages of lamellar roofs:

  • Price: slat roofs are usually more expensive than awnings, especially if they are equipped with additional lighting.
  • Installation: Installation of louvered roofs often requires professional installation and can be complicated due to the size and weight of the structure.
  • Maintenance: Louvered roofs require regular maintenance to ensure that the louvers remain free of dirt and leaves and function properly.
Lamellendach vs. Markise
Lamellendach vs. Markise

Advantages of awnings:

  • Price: awnings are usually cheaper than louvered roofs, especially if they can be operated manually.
  • Simple operation: awnings can be extended and retracted manually or motorized and do not require complex operation.
  • Space-saving: awnings take up little space when retracted and are therefore ideal for small terraces or balconies.

Disadvantages of awnings:

  • Weathering: awnings provide protection from the sun and rain, but they can be damaged in high winds or rain. A manual awning must always be retracted when the weather gets worse.
  • Design: awnings have a traditional look and are usually available in a limited number of colors and patterns.
Bildschirmfoto 2021 10 24 um 05.33.07

Maintenance: Awnings must be cleaned regularly to prevent mold and dirt accumulation. The fabrics may also fade or bleach over time.

When comparing slat roofs and awnings, there are advantages and disadvantages on both sides. Louvered roofs are more flexible and offer a modern design, but they are also more expensive and require professional installation and maintenance. Awnings, on the other hand, are cheaper and easier to use, but they have a more traditional look and require regular cleaning. The choice between the two products ultimately depends on individual needs and preferences.

Alternative options:

There are also other options for patio covers that should be considered. For example, pergolas covered with fabric can provide similar functionality to slatted roofs and are often less expensive. Glass roofs provide a durable canopy and create a light and airy atmosphere, but they are also more expensive and require professional installation.


  1. Are slat roofs waterproof? Yes, slat roofs are waterproof when the slats are completely closed. However, it is important to make sure that the slats are clean and free of obstructions so that the water can drain properly.
  2. Can awnings be used in strong wind or rain? Awnings should be retracted during high winds or rain to prevent damage. However, some awnings are more robust than others and can withstand more wind and rain.
  3. How long does it take to install a louvered roof? Installation of a slat roof depends on the size and complexity of the structure, but can usually be completed within a few days.
  4. How often do awnings need maintenance? Awnings should be cleaned regularly to prevent dirt and mold. The fabrics can also fade and bleach over time and need to be replaced occasionally.
  5. Can louvered roofs be controlled automatically? Yes, many louvered roofs can be equipped with an automatic control system that allows the louvers to be opened and closed by remote control or smartphone.

Pergola roofs

“Pergola canopy: the ultimate protection from rain and sun”.

Pergolas are a popular choice for terraces and gardens, as they not only provide shade, but are also an attractive aesthetic design. But in the rain and strong sunshine pergola can provide insufficient protection. Pergola canopies offer a solution to this.

Pergola roofs are simple but effective protective solutions for your pergola. They can be purchased in different sizes, colors and materials to meet your individual needs. Pergola canopies are made of durable materials such as polycarbonate, aluminum or steel and are particularly resistant to rain, snow and strong winds.

One advantage of pergola canopies is that they offer you and your guests protection from direct sunlight. So you can comfortably sit outside and enjoy even on hot days. In addition, pergola canopies protect your furniture and objects from rain and dirt, so you can enjoy your pergola longer.

Alternatives to pergola roofs: If you don’t want a canopy for your pergola, there are other options for protection from rain and sun. These include, for example, awnings, sun sails and permanently installed canopies. Each of these options offers its own advantages and disadvantages, such as cost, installation effort and degree of protection. It is important to carefully consider the options and choose the solution that best suits you.


  1. Can I install a pergola roof myself?

Yes, with the right tools and instructions, you can install a pergola canopy yourself. However, it is recommended to consult an expert, especially if you have no experience in DIY.

How long does a pergola canopy last?

This depends on various factors, such as the material, quality and maintenance. In general, however, a quality pergola roof can have a lifespan of 5 to 15 years or more if properly maintained. It is important to regularly inspect and clean the canopy to prolong its life.

Pergola roofs offer of the month


Luxaterra® rotatable slats

Bioclimatic pergola
ab 3950,-
  • Sides with ZIP awnings possible
  • LED lighting possible
  • Sun wind rain guard possible

Luxaterra® retractable slats

Bioclimatic pergola
ab 4895,-
  • Retractable and rotatable louvered roof
  • ZIP screen or glass elements can be retrofitted at any timesss
  • Width up to 900 cm
TOP offer

Pergola roofs are a great way to beautify your outdoor space while providing shade. This month Metallbau Görres GmbH offers an incredible deal on pergola roofs. Our pergola roofs are made of high quality materials and are durable and robust. In addition, they are easy to assemble and can be installed in any desired location.

Visit us today and take advantage of our special offer. Convince yourself of the quality of our products and let us transform your outdoor area into an oasis of relaxation.

How to choose the right pergola roof for your house - pergola roofs

If you’re looking to choose a pergola roof for your home, there are some important factors to consider to ensure you choose the right one for your needs. Here are a few things to watch out for:

  1. Size: check the size of the area you want to cover and choose a pergola roof that is large enough to cover that area.

  2. Material: pergola roofs can be made of various materials such as wood, aluminum or steel. Consider which material best suits your home and personal style.

  3. Design: pergola roofs come in many different designs and styles, from modern and minimalist to traditional and classic. Choose a design that fits well with your home and landscape.

  4. Weather resistance: check that the pergola roof you choose is water and weather resistant to ensure it will last and perform well.

  5. Cost: Pergola roofs come in different price ranges, so check your budget and choose a pergola roof that meets your needs and is within your budget.

By considering these factors, you can ensure that you choose the right pergola roof for your home. Remember, this is a long-term investment, so it’s important to research thoroughly and make sure you choose the best possible pergola roof.

Görres lamella roofs: Quality from Germany


Görres lamella roofs: Quality from Germany

When it comes to outdoor design, slat roofs are an excellent choice. They protect against sun and rain and still allow natural daylight. At Görres Metallbau you can get high quality slat roofs, which are manufactured in Germany.

Summer is the perfect season to relax outside and enjoy nature. A slat roof is the perfect addition to any outdoor space, providing protection from the sun and rain. However, it also allows natural daylight and provides a pleasant indoor climate. Görres Metallbau is a leading supplier and manufacturer of lamella roofs in Germany. We offer high-quality products that are specifically designed to meet the needs of our customers.

Görres slat roofs are made of high quality materials and carefully processed. Our roofs are made of aluminum, which is durable, robust and weather resistant. Aluminum is also lightweight and easy to maintain. It is the perfect choice for louvered roofs as it will not rust or corrode. Our roofs are available in a variety of colors, so you can easily customize the look of your outdoor space.

We also offer various control options for our louvered roofs, such as manual or electric control. With our slat roofs, you can design your outdoor area as you wish and adapt it to any situation. Whether you have a pool area, patio or garden, our slat roof is the perfect solution.

Summary: Görres slat roofs are an excellent choice for any outdoor area. Made of high quality materials and carefully processed, they provide protection from the sun and rain. Our roofs are available in a variety of colors and there are several control options to customize your outdoor space as you see fit. Our slat roofs are made in Germany and are therefore of the highest quality.

Description of alternatives: There are also other types of roofs suitable for outdoor use, such as awnings or sunshades. However, these are often not as strong and durable as slat roofs and do not provide the same protection from the sun and rain. Another popular roof is the pergola roof, but these are not as flexible and not as easy to control as slat roofs.

Slat roofs offer of the month


Luxaterra® rotatable slats

Bioclimatic pergola
ab 3950,-
  • Sides with ZIP awnings possible
  • LED lighting possible
  • Sun wind rain guard possible

Luxaterra® retractable slats

Bioclimatic pergola
ab 4895,-
  • Retractable and rotatable louvered roof
  • ZIP screen or glass elements can be retrofitted at any timesss
  • Width up to 900 cm
TOP offer

FAQ texts:

  1. How do I care for my Görres lamella roof?
  • Our slat roofs are very easy to maintain. It is enough to wipe them regularly with a damp cloth and occasionally wash with a mild detergent.
  1. How long does a Görres louvered roof last?
  • Our slat roofs are very durable and robust. They can last several years if properly cared for.
  1. Can I install the louvered roof myself?
  • We recommend that our qualified team perform the installation to ensure that the roof is securely and stably attached.
  1. What control options are available for Görres louvered roofs?
  • We offer both manual and electric control options for our louvered roofs.
  1. What colors are available?
  • Our slat roofs are available in a variety of colors to suit your personal taste and the look of your outdoor space.
Görres Lamellendächer

Contact us if you have any further questions about Görres lamella roofs or if you are interested in a quotation. We will be happy to advise you and help you find the perfect slat roof for your outdoor space.

Louvered roofs are roofs consisting of an arrangement of louvers or scales attached to a frame. They can be opened and closed manually or automatically to regulate light and ventilation. Slat roofs are often used for terraces, balconies, gardens and even swimming pools.

Advantages of lamella roofs

  1. Shade and protection: a slatted roof provides shade and protection from rain and other weather conditions. This can be especially useful if you want to spend a lot of time outdoors, but don’t want to be affected by direct sunlight or rain.

  2. Regulation of light and ventilation: Louvered roofs can be opened and closed manually or automatically to regulate light and ventilation. This can help improve the energy efficiency of your home or building and prevent unwanted heat inside.

  3. Aesthetics: slat roofs can help improve the aesthetics of your home or building. They come in many different designs and colors, so they can fit into almost any environment.

Aluminum slat roof are the perfect choice for indoor and outdoor use

Why aluminum louvered roof are the perfect choice for indoor and outdoor use

Discover the advantages of slat roofs and why they are test winners compared to other roof systems.

Aluminum slat roof

Louvered roofs have become increasingly popular in recent years, both indoors and outdoors. They provide not only optimal protection from the sun, but also protection from rain and other weather conditions. But why are slat roofs the perfect choice for your home or patio? In this article, we will take a closer look at the advantages of slat roofs and explain why they are test winners compared to other roofing systems.

Aluminum slat roof

Aluminum slat roof

Louvered roofs have become increasingly popular in recent years, both indoors and outdoors. They provide not only optimal protection from the sun, but also protection from rain and other weather conditions. But why are slat roofs the perfect choice for your home or patio? In this article, we will take a closer look at the advantages of slat roofs and explain why they are test winners compared to other roofing systems.

Aluminum louvered roofs consist of many narrow aluminum louvers that are arranged horizontally and can be opened and closed independently. This allows you to control the amount of light and shade in your home by simply opening or closing the slats.

Another great advantage of aluminum slat roofs is that they are very durable and long-lasting. Aluminum is a very durable material and can withstand rain, wind and snow. It is also resistant to rust and corrosion, which means it can be used in humid environments.

Aluminum slat roofs are also very flexible and can be made in many different sizes and shapes. You can install them over decks, patios, pools, and even windows and doors to control shade and light.

The design is also very flexible and can be adapted to the needs of the customer. There are many different colors and finishes that can be chosen to customize the roof to your liking.

An aluminum slat roof is the perfect choice for indoor and outdoor use. It not only provides protection from the sun and rain, but can also be used as a decorative element. In this article, we will take a closer look at the advantages of aluminum slat roofs and address frequently asked questions.

What is an aluminum louvered roof? An aluminum louvered roof consists of horizontally arranged aluminum louvers that can be tilted at various angles to regulate solar gain. It can be used both as a roof for a terrace or balcony, and as a privacy screen or sunshade indoors.

Why should you choose an aluminum louvered roof? There are many reasons why an aluminum slat roof is the best choice. First of all, aluminum is a very durable and robust material that can withstand weathering and last a long time. It is also light and easy to install and requires little maintenance.

Another great advantage of aluminum slat roofs is that they are available in a wide range of colors and designs, making them easy to match the aesthetic requirements of any environment. They can also be tilted at different angles to regulate sunlight and change the shade indoors or outdoors.

What is the cost of aluminum louvered roof? The cost of an aluminum slat roof depends on many factors, such as the size and design of the roof, the desired material and additional features. On average, the cost is between 1000 and 3000 euros.

How to install aluminum louvered roof? An aluminum louvered roof is usually installed by a professional. The process includes measuring and fitting the roof to the appropriate size and shape, attaching the louvers and connecting all the parts.

Visit our exhibition

Metallbau Görres GmbH
Commercial area Zingsheim South 39
53947 Netterheim Zingsheim

Monday to Friday 08:00 – 16:00
Saturday by appointment

Feel free to arrange a personal appointment!

pergola awnings

What is a pergola awning?

A pergola awning is a type of awning that is usually attached to a pergola. It is used to block sunlight and rain, providing extra protection and privacy in outdoor areas such as patios and gardens. Pergola awnings can be made of different materials such as fabric, aluminum or wood and are available in different sizes and colors. They can be manually or electrically operated and in many cases can be customized to meet the individual needs of the user.

How does it differ from other types of awnings?

Pergola awnings differ from other types of awnings mainly in their installation and use. Unlike traditional awnings, which are attached to the wall or roof of a building, pergola awnings are usually attached to a pergola. A pergola is a freestanding garden or patio canopy that usually consists of posts and beams. A pergola awning can extend the pergola by providing additional shading and rain protection.

Pergola awnings are usually larger than traditional awnings and therefore can cover a larger area. They are also usually more flexible in terms of positioning, as they can usually be placed freely in the room.

Pergola awnings are also aesthetically pleasing and can be an attractive addition to a garden or patio. They are available in different materials, colors and styles and can be adapted to the aesthetics of the house or garden.

Another difference from other types of awnings is that pergola awnings are often used as privacy screens as well, while other types of awnings are often used only for sun and rain protection.

Advantages of using a pergola awning

There are many advantages that come with using a pergola awning:

  1. Shading and rain protection: a pergola awning provides additional protection from sunlight and rain, which is especially important if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

  2. Flexibility: pergola awnings can be placed freely in space, which means that they are more flexible in terms of positioning than traditional awnings, which are attached to the wall or roof of a building.

  3. Aesthetically pleasing, pergola awnings can be an attractive addition to a garden or patio and are available in a variety of materials, colors and styles.

  4. Increased privacy: pergola awnings can also be used as privacy screens, which increases outdoor privacy.

  5. Expanding the living space: pergola awnings allow you to expand the outdoor living space and turn the garden or terrace into an additional living area.

  6. Increased property value: pergola awnings can increase property value as they are seen as an attractive addition to the home and also increase the use of the outdoor space.

  7. easy to maintain: pergola awnings usually require little maintenance and are easy to clean.

  8. Functionality: pergola awnings can also be equipped with lighting, rain and wind sensors and automatic controls to increase functionality and improve comfort.

pergola awnings

What is the cost of a pergola awning?

The price of a pergola awning can vary depending on the size, material, functionality and brand. A rough estimate for a simple aluminum or steel pergola awning with a size of 4m x 3m and manual operation would be around 2000€ to 4000€. However, if you want a larger awning, electric control, special features like rain and wind sensors, or other customizations, the price can be significantly higher. It is also important to note that the price of installation and assembly of the pergola awning may be additional. It is advisable to obtain quotes from different suppliers and compare the cost of materials, installation and any additional features.

Does a pergola awning require a permit?

Whether a pergola awning requires a permit depends on local codes and regulations. In some regions, a permit may be required if the awning is larger than a certain size or if it is installed on a building that is a listed building. It is important to know local codes and regulations before installing a pergola awning to ensure that you obtain all necessary permits and meet all requirements. It is advisable to contact the appropriate authority to ensure that you obtain all necessary permits and meet all requirements.

Regulation of the incidence of light

A pergola awning can be used to regulate the amount of light entering the interior. The ability to extend and retract the awning allows you to influence the amount of natural light that enters the interior. This can be especially useful for reducing excessive heat and UV rays in the summer, or for making the room brighter when needed. Pergola awnings can also be equipped with various light control and blackout options, such as sun and rain sensors and automatic controls that automatically adjust the awning to the current weather conditions.

There are also special coatings and materials that can be used to regulate the amount of light that passes through the awning. This can help to achieve pleasant and even lighting indoors without creating strong contrasts or glare.

awning terrace

Cassette awnings

electric incl. fully equipped
ab 1589 € Incl. 19% VAT.
  • Made in Germany - direct from the factory
  • fast delivery times
  • Free shipping within DE
Pergola awning for your terrace

pergola awnings

terrace roof incl. integrated pergola awning
ab 3128 € Incl. 19% VAT
  • Ideal for large terraces
  • Up to 600cm width & 500cm projection
  • Can also be used as rain protection
Free-standing pergola awning in white

Terrace roof laminated safety glass or multi-wall sheets

Bespoke patio roofs
ab 2177 € Incl. 19% VAT
  • Different variants to choose from
  • Made in Germany - direct from the factory
  • made to measure

Protection from UV radiation

A pergola awning can be an effective way to protect against outdoor UV rays. Most awning fabrics are designed to block UV rays, providing natural shade. Some awning fabrics even have a UV protection factor (UPF) of 50+, which means that they block 98% of UV rays. This can help prevent skin cancer and other health problems caused by excessive UV exposure.

Some pergola awnings also have special UV-resistant coatings or materials that additionally help block UV rays. There is also the possibility of installing slats or blinds in the pergola awning to regulate the intensity of light and increase UV protection.

It is important to note that a pergola awning does not provide the same level of protection as UV protective clothing or sunscreen. It is still advisable to protect yourself with proper clothing and sunscreen when spending extended time outdoors.

Increase flexibility

A pergola awning can increase outdoor flexibility by expanding outdoor living space and enhancing outdoor use. The ability to extend and retract the awning allows you to regulate the amount of natural light and protection from the elements, making the room lighter or darker as needed.

Pergola awnings can also be equipped with various features such as rain and wind sensors and automatic controls that automatically adjust the awning to the current weather conditions. This increases flexibility by eliminating the need to manually extend or retract the awning.

Installing a pergola awning also increases the flexibility of the garden or terrace, as it creates an additional living area protected from rain and sunlight. This allows more time to be spent outdoors enjoying different activities such as eating, relaxing or entertaining.

Architecture increase

A pergola awning can elevate outdoor architecture by providing an attractive complement to an existing pergola or building. It can be used to create an aesthetic link between the interior and exterior, creating a harmonious connection between the building and the environment.

Pergola awnings can also be used to extend an existing pergola to create a larger outdoor area protected from sunlight and rain. They can also be used to extend an existing patio or balcony to create more outdoor living space.

Pergola awnings can also be available in a variety of materials, colors and styles to match the aesthetics of the home or garden. They can also be customized to meet the individual needs of the user, such as the choice of manual or electric control, slats.

Disadvantages of using a pergola awning

Like any living space expansion, there are drawbacks to using a pergola awning. Some of them are:

  1. Cost: Purchasing and installing a pergola awning can be expensive, especially if you have special requirements or need a larger awning.

  2. Maintenance: pergola awnings usually require regular maintenance to remain in good condition. This can lead to the need for regular cleaning and repairs.

  3. Weather influences: Pergola awnings can be damaged by strong winds or other weather conditions. If the awning is not properly secured, it may even break off.

  4. Maintenance of electronic controls : If the pergola awning is electrically controlled, it may be necessary to regularly maintain the controls and perform any repairs.

  5. Maintenance of materials: The materials that make up the pergola awning can be affected by weather conditions and may show signs of aging.

  6. Space requirements: a pergola awning requires space to be set up and can increase the amount of outdoor space required.

It is important to weigh the pros and cons before deciding to install a pergola awning to ensure that it meets expectations and meets the requirements.

Recommendations for the selection and use of a pergola awning

When choosing and using a pergola awning. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Size: consider the size of the area you want to cover and choose an awning large enough to create the shade area you want.

  2. Material: Choose a material that is sturdy, durable and well resistant to weathering and UV rays.

  3. Functionality: consider whether you need additional features such as electrical controls, rain and wind sensors, or automatic controls to increase functionality.

  4. Design: Choose a design that matches the architecture of the building and suits your personal taste.

  5. Space requirements: Consider the space

Choose a high quality manufacturer

When buying a pergola awning, it is important to choose a quality manufacturer. Some things to look out for are:

  1. Experience: choose a manufacturer that has many years of experience in the production of pergola awnings.

  2. Reputation: research customer reviews and feedback to ensure the manufacturer has a good reputation and that customers are satisfied with the products and service.

  3. Warranty: Choose a manufacturer that offers a good warranty on their products to make sure you are covered in case of problems.

  4. Customer service: Choose a manufacturer that offers good customer service in case you have questions or problems.

  5. Certifications: Look for manufacturers that have certifications confirming that products meet industry requirements and that product quality has been verified.

  6. Price comparison: compare prices from different manufacturers to make sure you get a good deal.

  7. With Metallbau Görres you have a reliable manufacturer in absolute top quality for your pergola awning.

Pergola awnings are a great way to protect the interior from sunlight, rain and snow while enhancing the architecture of the building. However, they also have their disadvantages and it is important to take them into account when choosing and using a pergola awning.

Slat roofs terrace

Introduction about slat roofs for terrace

A slat roof, also known as an awning slat roof, is a type of patio cover that consists of horizontal slats that can be opened and closed manually or electrically. They provide shade and protection from rain, while providing good ventilation. Slat roofs are available in various sizes, colors and designs and can be adapted to almost any type of patio structure.

What are slat roofs?

Lamella roofs are roofs consisting of horizontally arranged lamellas, usually made of aluminum or steel. They are often used in buildings with large window areas to regulate sunlight and heat. Louvered roofs can be controlled manually or automatically and provide a flexible way to control daylight and heat inside a building.

Advantages of lamella roofs

Louvered roofs offer a variety of advantages, such as:

  1. Flexibility: louvered roofs can be controlled manually or automatically, allowing daylight and heat inside a building to be adjusted as needed.
  2. Energy efficiency: louvered roofs can help reduce energy consumption in the building by keeping out excessive heat and sunlight and taking advantage of natural lighting.
  3. Durability: slat roofs are made of robust materials such as aluminum or steel, which are durable and resistant to weather conditions.
  4. Design options: Slat roofs come in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes, allowing the roof to match the architecture of the building and make it an attractive design element.
  5. Increasing living comfort: louvered roofs can help increase living comfort inside the building by reducing excessive heat and brightness and creating a pleasant atmosphere.

What are the types of slat roofs?

There are several types of slat roofs, which differ in design, function and material. Some examples are:

  1. Vertical louvers: This type of slat roof consists of vertical slats, which can usually be controlled manually or electrically. They are particularly suitable for buildings with large window areas and high ceilings.
  2. Horizontal louvers: This type of slat roof consists of horizontally arranged slats, which can usually be controlled manually or electrically. They are particularly suitable for buildings with flat roofs.
  3. Folding louvers: This type of slat roof consists of slats that can be folded and rolled up to regulate daylight and heat inside a building. They are particularly suitable for buildings with limited space and can be controlled manually or electrically.
  4. Aluminum slat roofs: this type of slat roof is made of aluminum slats, which are durable, strong and weather resistant.
  5. Lamellar roofs made of wood: this type of lamellar roof is made of slats of wood, which provide a natural look and thermal insulation.
  6. Polycarbonate slat roofs: This type of slat roof is made of polycarbonate slats, which are translucent, strong and UV-resistant.

Manually operated louvered roofs

Manually operated louvered roofs are a popular choice for buildings that require flexible regulation of daylight intensity and ventilation. They consist of horizontally arranged slats that can be opened and closed manually.

Most of the slatted roofs with crank offered in Europe is cheap goods from China. The quality is not comparable with offered roofs from European production.

One advantage of manually operated louvered roofs is that they are easy to operate and require no electrical or mechanical parts. Thus, they are also more cost-efficient than electrically powered roofs.

Another advantage is that manually operated louvered roofs can be adapted to almost any shape and size, which makes them ideal for applications in historic buildings or buildings with unusual architectural shapes.

Manually operated louvered roofs are also suitable for use in buildings where power supply is difficult or expensive. They can also be used in buildings that do not have windows or where windows are affected by other factors, such as noise or air conditioning.

One disadvantage of manually operated louvered roofs is that they must be manually operated, which means that someone must open or close the roof to regulate the building’s lighting and ventilation. However, there are solutions such as remote control or automation that can minimize this drawback.

Overall, manually operated louvered roofs are a practical and cost-effective solution for regulating daylight and ventilation in buildings. They offer flexibility in adapting to unusual architectural shapes and are also suitable for use in buildings without power supply.

Electrically operated louvered roofs

lectrically operated louvered roofs are a popular choice for buildings that require precise regulation of daylight intensity and ventilation. They consist of horizontally arranged slats that can be opened and closed electrically.

One of the advantages of electrically operated louvered roofs is that they can be controlled automatically, either with the help of a remote control or a timer. This makes it possible to precisely regulate the lighting and ventilation of the building without anyone having to manually open or close the roof.

Another advantage is that electrically operated louvered roofs can be adapted to almost any shape and size, which makes them ideal for applications in modern buildings or in buildings with unusual architectural shapes.

Electrically operated louvered roofs are also suitable for use in buildings where automatic regulation of lighting and ventilation is required, for example, in server rooms where the temperature and humidity must be controlled.

One disadvantage of electrically powered louvered roofs is that they are electrically powered, which means they require electricity and occasional maintenance. They are also somewhat more expensive to purchase than manual louvered roofs.

Overall, electrically operated louvered roofs are a practical and versatile solution for regulating daylight and ventilation in buildings. They allow precise control of lighting and ventilation and are also suitable for use in buildings where automatic regulation is required.

Hybrid lamella roofs

Hybrid louvered roofs are a combination of manually and electrically operated louvered roofs. They offer the advantages of both manual and electric louvered roofs, making them a flexible solution for regulating daylight and ventilation in buildings.

One of the advantages of hybrid louvered roofs is that they can be controlled both manually and electrically. This allows to regulate the lighting and ventilation of the building in different ways, depending on the requirements and needs. For example, the roof can be opened manually to allow fresh air and natural daylight, while it can be closed electrically to control the building’s air conditioning.

Another advantage is that hybrid louvered roofs can be adapted to almost any shape and size, making them ideal for applications in buildings with unusual architectural shapes or for buildings with special requirements.

Hybrid louvered roofs are also more cost-effective than all-electric louvered roofs because they do not rely on a constant power supply.

One disadvantage of hybrid louvered roofs may be that they are somewhat more complex to operate than manual-only or electric louvered roofs.

Overall, hybrid louvered roofs are a flexible solution for regulating daylight and ventilation in buildings. They offer the advantages of both manual and electric louvered roofs and can be customized into almost any shape or size. They are ideal for buildings with special requirements or unusual architectural shapes.

Beleuchtung Lamellendach

From what materials best slat roofs

Louvered roofs can be made from a variety of materials, the most common being aluminum.

Aluminum slat roofs are very light, durable and resistant to weather conditions. They are also corrosion resistant and require little maintenance. They are ideal for use in buildings with modern design and in environments with high humidity.

Steel louvered roofs are robust and durable and are particularly suitable for use in industrial applications. However, they are heavier than aluminum louvered roofs and require more maintenance.

Wooden slat roofs are natural and have a pleasant appearance. They provide good thermal insulation and are ideal for use in buildings with rustic design. However, they require regular maintenance and are susceptible to moisture and pests.

Plastic slat roofs are lightweight, durable and resistant to weather conditions. However, they are less stable than aluminum or steel louvered roofs and also require low maintenance.

There are other materials such as stainless steel, brass, copper that can be used for louvered roofs, but they are less common and each has specific properties and applications.

The choice of material depends primarily on the requirements and needs of the building, as well as local environmental conditions and design requirements. It is important to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each material in advance to make the best choice for the building.

Which is better louvered roof or glass roof?

Whether a louvered roof or a glass roof is more appropriate depends on the requirements and needs of the building and its environment. Both types of roofs have their own advantages and disadvantages.

One advantage of louvered roofs is that they allow flexible regulation of daylight intensity and ventilation. They can be opened and closed to control the building’s lighting and ventilation, and are typically more cost effective than glass roofs.

One advantage of glass roofs is that they provide maximum light transmission and allow an unobstructed view upwards. They are also usually heat and sound insulated and require little maintenance.

One disadvantage of louvered roofs is that they require manual operation and can be susceptible to weathering in certain environments. One disadvantage of glass roofs is that they tend to be more expensive than louvered roofs, and they can be susceptible to heat loss and overheating in certain environments.

Therefore, it is best to consider the requirements of the building and the environment, and then decide which roof is best suited. It is also possible that a combination of both types of roofs is the best solution.

Does a louvered roof require a permit?

Whether a louvered roof requires a permit depends on local codes and regulations. In Germany, slat roofs are subject to the Building Code (BauO) and the State Building Code (LBO) of the respective federal state, and they must comply with the applicable regulations.

Generally, a louvered roof requires a permit if it is an addition or alteration to an existing building or if it is installed in an existing building. It may also require a permit if it is a building in a historic or architecturally significant area.

However, it is also possible for a louvered roof to be classified as “not requiring a permit,” in which case no permit is required.

Therefore, it is important to contact the appropriate local authorities before building a louvered roof and ensure that all applicable codes and permits are met. It may also be worth consulting an architect or professional engineer to ensure the louvered roof meets code and receives approval.

Is a louvered roof noisy when it rains?

Louvered roofs can cause noise when it rains, especially if they are made of materials that do not insulate well, such as aluminum. This is due to the fact that rain beats on the roof and the slats can hit each other, which can cause noise.

However, there are also louvered roofs that are insulated with insulation or soundproofing materials that can reduce the patter of rain on the roof. The type of slats, their size and the type of opening mechanisms can also make a difference.

There are also ways to reduce noise by using special seals and gaskets that keep out rainwater.

Therefore, when choosing a slat roof, it is important to make sure that it is made of high quality materials and that it is insulated with insulation or soundproofing materials to reduce noise. It is also worthwhile to learn in advance about the various louvers and opening mechanisms to find the best solution for the building.

Isolierte Lamellen für Terrassendach
Lamellendach Luxaterra Lamellenschnitt
Metallbau Görres has of course insulated lamellas in its program

Visit our exhibition

Metallbau Görres GmbH
Commercial area Zingsheim South 39
53947 Netterheim Zingsheim

Monday to Friday 08:00 – 16:00
Saturday by appointment

Feel free to arrange a personal appointment!

Is a pergola roof waterproof?

Louvered roofs are usually not watertight, as they consist of horizontally arranged slats that can be opened and closed to regulate daylight and ventilation. If the slats have opened, rainwater can penetrate.

However, there are slat roofs, which are equipped with seals and gaskets that can reduce the penetration of rainwater. The size of the louvers and the type of opening mechanisms can also help reduce rainwater infiltration.

However, it is important to note that louvered roofs are not completely waterproof and therefore should not be used as the primary water drainage system for a building. It is best to use them in combination with other water drainage systems such as gutters to reduce rainwater infiltration

Maintenance and cleaning tips

Louvered roofs are a popular choice for patios, balconies and conservatories as they provide good ventilation and shade. To ensure that your louvered roof remains in perfect condition, it is important to perform regular maintenance and cleaning.

  1. Clean the roof thoroughly with water and a mild detergent at least once a year. Do not use aggressive chemicals, as they can damage the UV protection of the slats.

  2. Periodically check the screws and bolts that hold the roof. Loosen loose screws and bolts and replace damaged parts to ensure the roof is securely fastened.

  3. Check the guide rails and slats for wear or damage. Replace damaged parts as soon as possible to ensure the roof is functioning properly.

  4. Periodically remove leaves and debris from the slats and guide rails to reduce the risk of water accumulation and damage.

  5. Check the roof for leaks or cracks. Repair or replace damaged parts as soon as possible to avoid damage.

  6. If you live in an area with a lot of dust, you should clean the roof more often to avoid accumulation of dust and dirt.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your louvered roof stays in perfect condition and maintains its performance and beauty.

Summary of the advantages of lamellar roofs

Louvered roofs offer a number of benefits, including:

  1. Ventilation: louvered roofs allow natural ventilation, which helps regulate humidity and improve air quality.

  2. Shade: Slatted roofs provide shade, which can be especially pleasant on hot days.

  3. Rain and sun protection: slat roofs protect from rain and sun rays without losing the natural light source.

  4. Design flexibility: slat roofs come in a variety of colors, sizes, and designs, allowing them to be customized to fit the needs and style of the building.

  5. Weather resistance: slat roofs are robust and durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions.

  6. Energy efficiency: Louvered roofs can help reduce energy consumption and reduce environmental impact.

Recommendations for choosing the right slat roof

When choosing a slat roof, you should consider the following factors:

  1. Location: Consider the weather conditions and sun exposure of the site to ensure the roof meets the requirements.

  2. Size and design: Choose the size and design of the roof according to the size and style of the building and the available space.

  3. Material: slat roofs are available in different materials such as aluminum, steel, wood and plastic. Consider the weather resistance, ease of maintenance and aesthetics of the material.

  4. Opening mechanism: louvered roofs are available in manual or electric versions. Choose the opening mechanism that best suits your needs.

  5. Control and automation options: Some louvered roofs offer control and automation options such as rain sensors, sun positions, weather forecasting and remote controls. Consider whether these options are relevant to you.

  6. Budget: consider your budget and compare the cost of different models to make sure you get the best deal for your money.

  7. Consultation: It is advisable to consult a professional to ensure that the louvered roof chosen meets the requirements and is installed properly.

Contact options for further questions or quotes.

Metallbau Görres GmbH
Commercial area Zingsheim South 39
53947 Netterheim Zingsheim

Monday to Friday 08:00 – 16:00
Saturday by appointment

Feel free to arrange a personal appointment!

Winter garden awnings

Conservatory awnings conservatory shades, patio roof awnings, patio shades.

Conservatories are a popular addition to many homes, as they create a connection between the indoors and outdoors while letting in a lot of natural light. However, the intense sunlight in summer can be uncomfortable and proper shading is essential to make the conservatory a comfortable living space.

There are several ways to shade a conservatory. The most commonly used methods are roller blinds, venetian blinds, awnings and pergola shades.

Roller blinds and venetian blinds are the simplest and most cost-effective way to shade a conservatory. They can be manually or electrically operated and are available in a variety of colors and designs. They are easy to install and can be easily adjusted to let in the desired amount of sunlight.

Awnings are another popular choice for conservatory shades. They provide flexible and temporary shading that can be easily retracted and extended. Awnings are available in various sizes and can be mounted on the wall or ceiling. However, they are usually more expensive than roller blinds or venetian blinds.

Pergola shades are another option for shading a conservatory. They consist of a sturdy frame covered with shade material such as fabric or aluminum. Pergolas provide durable and attractive shade that blends well with the garden. However, they are usually more expensive than roller blinds, venetian blinds or awnings.

No matter what type of conservatory shading you choose, it’s important that it meets individual requirements and lets in the desired amount of sunlight. Careful planning and advice from experts can help make the right choice. With the right shading, you can enjoy the winter garden as a pleasant living space all year round.

What is a winter garden awning?

A conservatory awning is a type of awning designed specifically for use in conservatories. It serves to protect the conservatory from UV radiation, rain and heat, and at the same time increases the flexibility in the conservatory. Conservatory awnings can be available in a variety of sizes and styles to meet the individual requirements and tastes of the user. They can be manually or electrically operated and there are also various light control and blackout options available.

Popularity of winter garden terrace awnings

Conservatory patio awnings have become increasingly popular in recent years as a great way to extend outdoor living space while providing protection from the elements and UV rays. They allow you to enjoy the winter garden in any weather and at any time of day.

Another reason for the popularity of conservatory terrace awnings is the ability to adjust the awning to the current weather conditions, regulating the intensity of light and protection from UV rays. The possibility of automatic control of the awning increases flexibility and convenience in the winter garden.

With the different designs and materials available, you can also improve the look of the conservatory and match it to the architecture of the building.

All of these factors contribute to the growing popularity of conservatory patio awnings, which are a great addition to any conservatory.

Cold conservatory outside with doors
Conservatory shading WIGAZIP ®

Advantages of winter garden awnings

Conservatory awnings offer a variety of benefits, including:

  1. Protection from UV radiation: conservatory awnings block UV rays, providing a natural shade that helps prevent skin cancer and other health problems caused by excessive UV exposure.

  2. Rain protection: conservatory awnings provide protection from rain and moisture, which helps to keep the interior of the conservatory dry and comfortable.

  3. Heat dissipation: conservatory awnings can reduce the heat in the conservatory by providing shade and improving air circulation.

  4. Increasing flexibility: conservatory awnings increase the flexibility in the conservatory, as they allow to enjoy the conservatory in any weather and at any time of day.

  5. Increasing the living space: conservatory awnings increase the outdoor living space and turn the conservatory into an additional living area.

  6. Increasing property value: conservatory awnings increase the value of property, as they extend the outdoor living space and make the conservatory more attractive.

  7. Automatic control: conservatory awnings can be controlled automatically, which increases the flexibility and convenience in the conservatory.

Shading from above or from below? Under-glass shading or rather from above?

The choice between shading from above or below depends on individual requirements and preferences.

Shading from above: Awnings that shade from above are usually larger and provide a larger shading area. They are also more suitable for covering large areas, such as a terrace or a winter garden. They can also provide greater flexibility in terms of tilt angles and light control.

Shading from above the terrace roof is more eve:

In fact, shading from the top of the patio roof is often more effective because it provides a larger shading area and is better suited to cover large areas.

Awnings that shade from above can allow the shade to fall over a larger area, providing a larger shading area. Therefore, they are particularly suitable for use in winter gardens or terraces that need to cover large areas. The ability to adjust the angle of inclination of the awning allows you to regulate the light in the desired way and regulate the intensity of light in the conservatory or on the terrace.

Since conservatory terrace awnings shade from above, you can also better regulate the lighting in the conservatory or terrace and ensure that the light inside the conservatory or terrace is comfortable and not too bright.

Shading from below: Awnings that shade from below are usually smaller and provide a smaller shading area. They are better for covering smaller areas, such as a table or seating area. They can also provide greater privacy by shielding the view from below.

It is important to consider individual requirements and preferences before choosing a type of shading to ensure that the awning chosen will meet expectations and fulfill requirements.

Structure and mode of operation

A conservatory awning consists of several components that work together to create the shade and protection. The structure and operation of a conservatory awning are as follows:

  1. Awning cloth: The awning cloth is the actual material that creates the shade. It is made of robust and durable materials that are resistant to weather conditions and UV rays. It can be controlled manually or electrically.

  2. Awning arm – guide rails: The awning arm is the frame on which the awning fabric is fixed. It is made of sturdy and durable materials that ensure safe and stable support of the awning canvas.

  3. Awning box: The awning box is the housing that houses the motor and controls. It protects the electronic components from the weather and allows electrical control of the awning.

  4. Awning motor: The awning motor is the electrical device that rolls the awning up and down. It allows automatic control of the awning and can also be controlled manually.

  5. Rain and wind sensors: Rain and wind sensors are optional components that allow the awning to automatically retract and extend depending on weather conditions.

Winter garden awnings can be mounted on the wall, ceiling or roof, depending on the requirements and architecture of the building.

Possible control and automation options

There are various control and automation options for conservatory awnings, which allow the awning to be controlled automatically and flexibly. Some of these options are:

  1. Remote control: A remote control allows you to control the awning from another location, such as a seating area or a window.

  2. Smartphone app: A smartphone app allows the awning to be controlled via a mobile application installed on a smartphone or tablet.

  3. Schedule: A schedule allows the awning to automatically retract or extend at a specific time of day or on specific days.

  4. Rain and wind sensors: Rain and wind sensors allow the awning to retract automatically when it rains or when the wind is too strong.

  5. Sun ray sensors: A sun ray sensor allows the awning to be automatically extended or retracted depending on the intensity of the sun’s rays.

  6. Home Automation Systems: Conservatory awnings can also be integrated into smart home automation systems, which allow the awning to be controlled via voice command or a smartphone app and included in automated scenes.

These control and automation options increase the flexibility and convenience of using the conservatory awning.

Possible applications

Conservatory awnings are versatile and offer a wide range of applications. Some of these uses include:

  1. Protection from sunlight and rain: Conservatory awnings provide protection from UV rays and rain, which helps to keep the outdoor living space comfortable and safe.

  2. Extension of living space: conservatory awnings allow to extend the outdoor living space and turn the conservatory into an additional living area.

  3. Use in private: conservatory awnings are ideal for use in private gardens, terraces and conservatories, providing protection from the weather and UV rays for the family and guests.

  4. Commercial use: conservatory awnings are also suitable for use in commercial areas, such as restaurants, hotels, cafes and shopping centers. They provide protection from the weather and UV rays for customers.

Recommendations for cleaning and maintenance

To maximize the life and performance of the conservatory awning, it is important to perform regular cleaning and maintenance. Here are some recommendations for cleaning and maintenance of winter garden awnings:

  1. Regular cleaning: It is important to regularly clean the awning cloth and arms from dust and dirt. To do this, use a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a brush. Avoid cleaning the cloth with water or chemicals as this may damage the paint and materials.

  2. Lubrication: Occasionally add a little oil or grease to the joints and bearings of the arms to ensure smooth operation.

  3. Check the screws and bolts: Periodically check the screws and bolts holding the awning to make sure they are tight and show no signs of rust or corrosion.

  4. Checking the safety: make sure that the awning is securely fastened to the wall or roof

Visit our exhibition

Metallbau Görres GmbH
Commercial area Zingsheim South 39
53947 Netterheim Zingsheim

Monday to Friday 08:00 – 16:00
Saturday by appointment

Feel free to arrange a personal appointment!

Financing and leasing options

There are several financing and leasing options for conservatory awnings that allow you to split and finance the cost of purchasing an awning. Some of these options are:

  1. Financing: there are several financing options, such as installment loans or cash advances, that allow you to split the cost of purchasing a conservatory awning and repay it in monthly installments.

  2. Leasing: There are also leasing options for conservatory awnings, where you rent the awning instead of buying it. This allows you to split the cost of purchasing an awning and repay it in monthly installments.

  3. Credit cards: some manufacturers and retailers offer the possibility of financing the cost of a conservatory awning with a credit card.

  4. Government incentives: there are also some government programs that offer financial assistance for the purchase of conservatory awnings, depending on which country and region you are in.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the various financing and leasing options and select the best option for your individual needs and requirements.

Summary of the advantages of winter garden terrace awnings

Conservatory patio awnings offer a variety of benefits, including:

  1. Protection from sunlight and rain: they protect from UV radiation and rain, which helps to keep the outdoor living space comfortable and safe.

  2. Extension of living space: they allow you to expand the outdoor living space and turn the winter garden into an additional living area.

  3. Control and automation options: They can be controlled automatically and flexibly, which facilitates the use of the awning.

  4. Protection from UV radiation: they provide protection from harmful UV rays, which is especially important to protect the skin from sunburn and long-term damage.

  5. Increasing the architecture: they can help improve the look and aesthetics of a building and increase the value of the building.

  6. Versatility: conservatory patio awnings can be used in both residential and commercial applications, for a variety of uses.

Recommendations for the selection and use of winter garden shades

mendations for the selection and use of winter garden shading are:

  1. Consider your specific requirements: Consider what kind of protection and shade you need and what type of conservatory shading is best. Also consider the size and orientation of the winter garden.

  2. Choose a high-quality manufacturer: choose a manufacturer that offers a wide range of winter garden shades and is characterized by high quality and durability.

  3. Consider control and automation options: Consider whether you need automated control options such as schedules, rain and wind sensors, or a smartphone app to flexibly and conveniently control conservatory shades.

  4. Consider maintenance and cleaning: Consider how easily conservatory shades can be maintained and cleaned to extend their life.

  5. Financing and Leasing Options: Learn about the various financing and leasing options available to help finance the cost of purchasing conservatory shades.

  6. Consider the permits: Find out about the permits required to install conservatory shades and make sure all necessary permits are obtained before you begin installation.

Pergola awning Cubola for gastronomy

Here you get an overview:

Pergola awning Cubola for gastronomy, restaurants and hotels

Restaurateurs usually also have outdoor seating and sun protection is particularly important to protect them from the sun or rain. Of course, there are no standard awnings for restaurateurs, since everyone has different wishes and ideas. In order to find individual solutions, various panel discussions took place at the leading trade fair for gastronomy. There were participants such as Heinrich Abletshauser (BVRS), Fritz Engelhardt (Chairman of DEHOGA BW), organic chef Simon Tress, Christian Thomas (Warema), Jan Kattenbeck (Markilux), Andreas Husmann (Leiner), Thomas Koch (terrace professionals), Olaf Vögele (host) live on stage. Minister of Justice for Baden-Württemberg and Europe Guido Wolf MdL from the Stuttgart state parliament and ZDH President Hans Peter Wollseifer from his office in the Cologne Chamber of Crafts were also connected.

What is important when it comes to sun protection for restaurateurs

The Gastronomy Day was all about outdoor gastronomy. All well-known awning manufacturers presented new concepts for slat roofs, pergola awnings and the like, so that visitors had an overview of the individual solutions. Because protection against sun and rain is particularly important for the open spaces, so that they can be used by visitors regardless of the weather.

The moderator Olaf Vögele summarizes very well what is important when it comes to sun protection for restaurateurs: “It’s about the area that can be used profitably – that’s where the turnover comes from.” Of course, the usable outdoor area, especially in very high-priced inner-city locations, is an important factor. But here there are excellent solutions and concepts for sun and weather protection. Basically, it’s not about who can provide the largest span for the roofing, but rather about the individual solutions so that the outdoor gastronomy can open again quickly and can offer visitors every conceivable protection.

Outdoor gastronomy should become safer

The numerous lectures in particular showed that outdoor gastronomy is particularly important. The awning manufacturers had many solutions and concepts ready to offer guests as much security as possible. However, it is of course also clear that the manufacturers are dependent on the specialist dealers so that the projects can also be optimally processed. It’s not just about the high effort involved in planning a project, but also being able to successfully implement it. Because one thing is for sure, Corona will be with us for quite a while and the outdoor gastronomy is basically a safeguard to keep the contagion very low.

Individual solutions and concepts

However, the individual solutions and concepts are not about bringing high-priced awnings to the catering trade. Because the budgets in particular are very different and therefore solutions for small budgets are also needed. From the classic articulated arm awning to pergola systems to slat roofs or water-protecting sun protection, the manufacturers offer everything that is needed for outdoor gastronomy. In addition, radiant heaters, windbreak walls or special lamps for the outdoor awnings are available so that the restaurateur can offer a suitable ambience.

Of course, it also depends on the clientele. Outdoor gastronomy must appeal to customers. Because it’s useless if huge amounts of money are spent and in the end the guest doesn’t like it. The ambience has to be tailored to the gastronomy and the clientele so that the guests accept it. Therefore, advice and planning are the be-all and end-all when it comes to outdoor catering. In addition, the areas have to be calculated correctly, the weather influences have to be included in the calculation and only then can an individual solution be found.

Cubola awning for outdoor gastronomy

The Cubola awning in particular is ideal for outdoor catering and has numerous advantages that cannot be denied. On the one hand, the pergola Cubola offers optimal protection against sun, rain and wind. It is therefore very well suited for the gastronomic outdoor area. While guests are protected from the sun in the summer months and can enjoy a cool drink in the shade, the Cubola awning can also score points with its advantages in autumn and winter. This terrace canopy always lets the guests sit dry and also offers protection from the wind with the side awnings. The rain protection is mainly due to the waterproof awning fabric, so that even a shower in summer does not make the guests flee.

Another advantage of the Cubola pergola is the excellent wind protection. Because the awning can withstand wind forces between 7 and 9 and even has an integrated rain gutter, so there is no risk of the water forming a hollow during showers or even falling down and soaking the guests. The Cubola awning is therefore perfect protection for the outdoor area, so that guests feel completely comfortable and are protected from all conceivable weather conditions. It is also important, particularly in this day and age, that guests feel safe as many still avoid indoor areas to reduce the risk of contracting Covid-19.

The Cubola awning explained

The Cubola awning is the first awning of its kind that can fully unfold the protective effect horizontally without folding the fabric when it is pulled into the cassette. The special system developed by the manufacturer also allows the fabric inclination to be adjusted in a wide variety of positions. Thus, the guests are not only protected from the midday sun, but also when the sun goes down and it is lower. At the same time, adjusting the angle of inclination when it rains is important so that the rainwater can run off perfectly via the integrated rain gutters. To ensure that the awning fabric of the Cubola pergola is always taut, a laterally guided ZIP system ensures perfect tension on all four sides.

The technical masterpiece of the Cubola

Basically, the Cubola offers everything you could want from an awning for outdoor gastronomy. It offers a maximum width of 600 cm and a depth of up to 500 cm. In addition, it is up to 300 cm high. Of course, the dimensions are not a law and can be ordered individually. The advantage of this is that the Cubola can also have unequal dimensions such as 325 x 361 x 294 cm and can therefore be optimally adapted to the outer surface.

If the outer surface is larger, that’s not a problem either. Because the pergola Cubola can be coupled and there are no restrictions. If you have a very large outdoor area, you can even link 6 or 10 Cubola awnings to offer your guests only the best.

Creative combinations thanks to Cubola

Thanks to the Cubola awnings, very creative combinations are possible. The aluminum frame is supplied as standard in anthracite (RAL 7016) or white (RAL 9010) textured paint. However, all other RAL colors are also available, so that the awning can be perfectly matched to your own colours. At the same time, you also have the choice between the many different cloth colors so that everyone can create their own individual style.